Consistent sampling is a technique for specifying, in small space, a subset \(S\) of a potentially large universe \(U\) such that the elements in \(S\) satisfy a suitably chosen sampling condition. Given a subset \(\mathcal{I}\subseteq U\) it should be possible to quickly compute \(\mathcal{I}\cap S\), i.e., the elements in \(\mathcal{I}\) satisfying the sampling condition. Consistent sampling has important applications in similarity estimation, and estimation of the number of distinct items in a data stream. In this paper we generalize consistent sampling to the setting where we are interested in sampling size-\(k\) subsets occurring in some set in a collection of sets of bounded size \(b\), where \(k\) is a small integer. This can be done by applying standard consistent sampling to the \(k\)-subsets of each set, but that approach requires time \(\Theta(b^k)\). Using a carefully designed hash function, for a given sampling probability \(p \in (0,1]\), we show how to improve the time complexity to \(\Theta(b^{\lceil k/2\rceil}log log b + pb^k)\) in expectation, while maintaining strong concentration bounds for the sample. The space usage of our method is \(\Theta(b^{\lceil k/4\rceil})\). We demonstrate the utility of our technique by applying it to several well-studied data mining problems. We show how to efficiently estimate the number of frequent \(k\)-itemsets in a stream of transactions and the number of bipartite cliques in a graph given as incidence stream. Further, building upon a recent work by Campagna et al., we show that our approach can be applied to frequent itemset mining in a parallel or distributed setting. We also present applications in graph stream mining.