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Learning To Hash Tutorial


In this tutorial, we dive into a published learning to hash model and compare its image retrieval performance against Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH).

We will specifically explore the Graph Regularized Hashing (GRH) model by Moran and Lavrenko, a simple yet highly effective supervised hashing method for learning to hash. This model was later extended for cross-modal hashing.


The original MATLAB code for the GRH model by Moran and Lavrenko is available here, but we’ll re-implement it in Python 3. We’ll train the model on the CIFAR-10 dataset and evaluate its performance using precision at 10 and semantic nearest neighbor evaluation, comparing it to LSH.

To get started, set up a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv ./hashing_tutorial
source hashing_tutorial/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Next, we retrieve and preprocess the CIFAR-10 dataset. We’ll use pre-processed GIST features for this task.

import scipy.io
import os
import requests

# Step 1: Download and save the pre-processed CIFAR-10 dataset
response = requests.get(url)
with open(os.path.join("./", "Gist512CIFAR10.mat"), 'wb') as f:

# Step 2: Load the dataset
mat = scipy.io.loadmat('./Gist512CIFAR10.mat')

# Extract the data and class labels from the dataset
data = mat['X']
classes = mat['X_class']

# Step 3: Normalize the data to ensure it's ready for indexing
from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer
data = Normalizer(norm='l2').fit_transform(data)  # L2 normalization
data = data - data.mean(axis=0)  # Mean centering the data

The code above does three things:

  1. Downloads the pre-processed CIFAR-10 dataset.
  2. Loads the data into memory using scipy.io.loadmat.
  3. Normalizes the data using L2 normalization and mean-centers it. This step is crucial to ensure consistent indexing later.

Quick Start

If you want to skip ahead, you can run the entire tutorial using this command:

python3 hashing_tutorial.py 

This will automatically download the dataset, train the GRH model, and evaluate its performance.

Implementation (LSH)

Now, let’s jump into Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH). We’ll generate 16 random hyperplanes (which translates into a 16-bit hashcode), and project the first image onto them to generate its LSH hashcode.

import numpy as np

# Parameters for LSH
n_vectors = 32  # Number of random hyperplanes
dim = 512  # Dimensions in GIST features

# Step 1: Generate random hyperplanes
random_vectors = np.random.randn(dim, n_vectors)

# Step 2: Project the first image onto these hyperplanes to generate its hashcode
bin_indices_bits = data[0, :].dot(random_vectors) >= 0  # Binary hashcode based on sign

# Output: [False  True False  True False  True False False False False  True  True True False False False]

Here’s what’s happening:

We generate random hyperplanes and project the first image onto them. The result is a binary hashcode that represents the image. Any two images with the same hashcode will land in the same bucket in our hashtable.

Next, we’ll convert this binary hashcode into an integer for easier indexing.

# https://wiki.python.org/moin/BitwiseOperators
# x << y (bitwise left shift) is the same as multiplying x by 2 ** y.
# This is a bitwise operation that effectively gives us the powers of 2.

# Create an array where each entry is a power of 2, starting from 2^(n_vectors-1) down to 2^0
# 'n_vectors' represents the number of dimensions (or bits) in the binary hash codes.
# This array is used to convert binary numbers (hash codes) into decimal (integer) values.
powers_of_two = 1 << np.arange(n_vectors - 1, -1, step=-1)  
# Example: If n_vectors is 16, this creates an array like [32768, 16384, 8192, ..., 2, 1], corresponding to powers of 2.
print(powers_of_two)  # Print the array of powers of 2

# Sample output:
# [32768 16384  8192  4096  2048  1024   512   256   128    64    32    16    8     4     2     1]

# Convert binary hash codes into decimal (bin indices)
# 'bin_indices_bits' contains the binary hash codes as arrays of 1s and 0s (or True/False).
# By doing a dot product between 'bin_indices_bits' and 'powers_of_two', we convert each binary number into a unique integer.
# Each binary code is interpreted as a binary number, and 'powers_of_two' acts as the weights for each bit.
bin_indices = bin_indices_bits.dot(powers_of_two)

# Example: If bin_indices_bits contains a binary code like [1, 0, 1, 1], this will convert it into its decimal equivalent (e.g., 21560).
print(bin_indices)  # Print the resulting bin index (the integer representation of the binary hash code)

# Sample output:
# 21560  # This represents the decimal equivalent of a specific binary hash code.

We’ve now hashed the image into bucket 21560. Now let’s extend this process to the entire dataset.

# Step 3: Hash the entire dataset

# Compute binary hash codes for the dataset using random hyperplanes
# For each data point in 'data', compute the dot product with 'random_vectors' (random hyperplanes).
# If the dot product is >= 0, assign a binary value of 1, otherwise 0 (True/False).
bin_indices_bits = data.dot(random_vectors) >= 0  # This generates a binary code (True/False) for each data point.

# Print the shape of 'bin_indices_bits' to verify the dimensions of the binary hash codes
print(bin_indices_bits.shape)  # Should print something like (60000, n_vectors) where '60000' is the number of data points.

# Convert the binary hash codes into bin indices (integer values)
# The binary hash code is converted into an integer using 'powers_of_two'.
# This process maps each binary code to a unique bin index.
bin_indices = bin_indices_bits.dot(powers_of_two)  # Each binary code is converted into a unique integer (bin index).

# The expected output shape of 'bin_indices' should be (60000,), meaning there are 60,000 bin indices,
# one for each data point in the dataset.
bin_indices.shape  # Check the shape of the resulting bin indices array.

At this point, every image in the CIFAR-10 dataset has been hashed. Now, we will create a hashtable to group images that land in the same bucket and check for duplicates.

from collections import defaultdict  # Import defaultdict to create a hash table where each bin index stores a list of image indices

# Step 4: Insert the images into a hash table based on their bin indices
table = defaultdict(list)  # Initialize a hash table where each bin (key) stores a list of image indices (values)
for idx, bin_index in enumerate(bin_indices):
    # For each image, append its index to the corresponding bin in the hash table
    table[bin_index].append(idx)  # 'bin_index' is the key (bin), 'idx' is the image index being stored

# Step 5: Inspect the buckets (bins) that have at least two colliding images
for bucket, images in table.items():
    if len(images) > 1:  # If a bucket contains more than one image (collision)
        print(images)  # Print the list of image indices that collide (i.e., are hashed to the same bin)

This code builds a hashtable where images that share the same hashcode (i.e., collide) are placed in the same bucket. Let’s inspect some of these collisions to see how well LSH groups semantically similar images.

# Inspect one of the buckets
# Example bucket: [39378, 39502, 41761, 42070, 50364]
print(classes[:, 39378])  # Output: 7 (horse)
print(classes[:, 39502])  # Output: 8 (ship)
print(classes[:, 41761])  # Output: 8 (ship)
print(classes[:, 42070])  # Output: 4 (deer)
print(classes[:, 50364])  # Output: 9 (truck)

In this case, LSH performs poorly, as two different categories (horse, truck) collide in the same bucket. Let’s inspect another bucket for better results.

# We take this bucket and inspect the images:
# [42030, 42486, 43090, 47535, 50134, 50503]

print(classes[:,42030])   # 4
print(classes[:,42486])   # 4
print(classes[:,43090])   # 4
print(classes[:,47535])   # 1
print(classes[:,50134])   # 1
print(classes[:,50503])   # 4

In this bucket, LSH performs better—grouping similar categories (mostly deer).

Evaluation (LSH)

Next, let’s evaluate LSH more rigorously using precision at 10, which measures how many of the 10 nearest neighbors for a query share the same class label.

# Step 1: Split the dataset into query, training, and database sets for nearest neighbor search

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split  # Import train_test_split to split the dataset
np.random.seed(0)  # Set a seed for reproducibility

# First split: Separate out a small portion of the data to serve as the query set
# 'data' contains the entire dataset, and 'classes[0, :]' contains the corresponding labels
# We split off 0.2% of the data for queries (test_size=0.002)
data_temp, data_query, labels_temp, labels_query = train_test_split(
    data, classes[0, :], test_size=0.002, random_state=42

# Second split: From the remaining data, split into the database set and the training set
# We split off 2% of the remaining data for training, leaving the rest for the database
data_database, data_train, labels_database, labels_train = train_test_split(
    data_temp, labels_temp[:], test_size=0.02, random_state=42

This code will give 120 random queries that we will use alongside the LSH search index to find nearest neighbours. The database consists of 58682 images, and the training dataset contains 1198 images.


To prevent overfitting we maintain a held-out database that we perform retrieval against using the set of 120 queries. The training dataset is used to learn any parameters and hyperparameters required by the models.

We now index the database portion with LSH creating our hashtable:

# Step 1: Compute binary hash codes for the entire database
# Project the data points onto the random hyperplanes (random_vectors) and convert to binary hash codes
# If the dot product of a data point and a hyperplane is >= 0, assign a value of 1, else 0
bin_indices_bits = data_database.dot(random_vectors) >= 0  # Each data point gets a binary code (True/False)

# Step 2: Convert binary hash codes to bin indices (integer representation)
# The binary code is treated as bits and converted to an integer using powers_of_two
bin_indices = bin_indices_bits.dot(powers_of_two)  # Each binary code is converted into an integer index

# Step 3: Build the hash table
table = defaultdict(list)  # Initialize the hash table as a defaultdict of lists

# Step 4: Populate the hash table with data points
for idx, bin_index in enumerate(bin_indices):
    table[bin_index].append(idx)  # For each data point, add its index to the corresponding bin in the hash table

To search for nearest neighbours we apply a Hamming radius based search:


In Figure (b) above, we see an example of a Hamming radius-based search with a radius of zero, as illustrated in Sean Moran’s PhD thesis.

To break it down, this search method not only looks within the same bin but also explores nearby bins that differ by a specific number of bits, up to a defined radius. Using the _itertools combinations_ function, we can generate all possible bins that differ by up to 10 bits from the current one. This allows us to retrieve neighbors not just from the original bin but from surrounding bins as well, significantly broadening the search results.

from itertools import combinations  # Used to generate combinations of bit positions for Hamming radius search
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances  # Used to compute distances between query and candidates
import pandas as pd  # Pandas for managing candidate neighbors and their labels/distances
import time  # For measuring the time spent on each search radius

# Hamming radius-based search for nearest neighbors
max_search_radius = 10  # Maximum Hamming radius to consider in the search
topn = 10  # We will evaluate precision@10 (how many correct results are in the top 10 nearest neighbors)
precision_history = {i: [] for i in range(max_search_radius + 1)}  # Dictionary to track precision at each radius
time_history = {i: [] for i in range(max_search_radius + 1)}  # Dictionary to track time taken for each radius

# Iterate over each query image and its corresponding label
for query_image, query_label in zip(data_query, labels_query):
    # Step 1: Compute binary hash code for the query image using random hyperplanes
    bin_index_bits = np.ravel(query_image.dot(random_vectors) >= 0)  # Convert query image to binary hash code
    candidate_set = set()  # Set to collect candidate neighbors found within the Hamming radius

    # Step 2: Search over various Hamming radii (from 0 to max_search_radius)
    for search_radius in range(max_search_radius + 1):
        start = time.time()  # Start timer to measure the search time for this radius

        # Search for nearby bins by flipping bits up to 'search_radius' positions
        for different_bits in combinations(range(n_vectors), search_radius):
            alternate_bits = bin_index_bits.copy()  # Copy original binary hash code of the query
            alternate_bits[list(different_bits)] = np.logical_not(alternate_bits[list(different_bits)])  # Flip bits at positions defined by 'different_bits'
            nearby_bin = alternate_bits.dot(powers_of_two)  # Convert binary code to an integer to look up in the hash table
            if nearby_bin in table:  # Check if the altered binary hash corresponds to a bin in the hash table
                candidate_set.update(table[nearby_bin])  # Add the candidates from this bin to the candidate set

        # Step 3: If candidate neighbors are found, rank them by their actual distances (using cosine similarity)
        if candidate_set:
            candidates = data_database[list(candidate_set)]  # Retrieve the actual data points for the candidates
            ground_truth = labels_database[list(candidate_set)]  # Retrieve the true labels for the candidates
            distances = pairwise_distances(candidates, query_image.reshape(1,-1), metric='cosine').flatten()  # Compute cosine distances between candidates and query
            nearest_neighbors = pd.DataFrame({'id': list(candidate_set), 'class': ground_truth, 'distance': distances})  # Store candidates and their distances
            # Sort candidates by their distances and take the top 10 closest
            candidate_set_labels = nearest_neighbors.sort_values('distance').reset_index(drop=True)['class'][:10]
            # Calculate precision@10 (how many of the top 10 closest candidates have the correct label)
            precision = list(candidate_set_labels).count(query_label) / topn
            precision_history[search_radius].append(precision)  # Store the precision for this radius

        time_history[search_radius].append(time.time() - start)  # Store the time taken for this search radius

# Step 4: Calculate average precision and time across all query images for each search radius
mean_time = [np.mean(time_history[i]) for i in range(len(time_history))]  # Compute average time for each search radius
mean_precision = [np.mean(precision_history[i]) for i in range(len(precision_history))]  # Compute average precision for each search radius

# Output the results
print(mean_time)  # Print the average time spent for each search radius
print(mean_precision)  # Print the average precision@10 for each search radius

The code above generates a mean precision@10 of 0.30 for a Hamming radius of 2. As we increase the radius, the retrieval quality improves, but it comes at the cost of checking a larger number of candidate nearest neighbors. In simpler terms, when using a Hamming radius of 2, around 30% of the images returned in a list of 10 will, on average, be relevant to the query. We’ll also demonstrate how we can boost this to a mean precision@10 of 0.40 by learning the hashing hyperplanes rather than using random hyperplanes, as is done in traditional Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH).

LSH Precision@10

As the Hamming radius increases from 0 to 10, we begin retrieving more images from the database in our candidate set. This leads to a noticeable spike in query time, which can eventually approach the time required for a standard brute force search (~53 seconds) when the candidate set includes the entire database.

LSH Time

Implementation (GRH)

Next, we explore how learning the hyperplanes (i.e., learning to hash) can significantly enhance retrieval effectiveness. Specifically, we’ll be working with the supervised learning to hash model, Graph Regularised Hashing.

Our first step involves using the training dataset to build an adjacency matrix, which GRH will use as a supervisory signal for learning the hashing hyperplanes. In this matrix, if two images share the same class label, then adjacency_matrix[i,j] = 1; otherwise, adjacency_matrix[i,j] = 0. In Python, we can construct this adjacency matrix using the class label vector:

adjacency_matrix=np.equal.outer(labels_train, labels_train).astype(int)
row_sums = adjacency_matrix.sum(axis=1)
adjacency_matrix = adjacency_matrix / row_sums[:, np.newaxis]

Next, we explore how learning the hyperplanes (i.e., learning to hash) can significantly enhance retrieval effectiveness. Specifically, we’ll be working with the supervised learning to hash model, Graph Regularised Hashing.

Our first step involves using the training dataset to build an adjacency matrix, which GRH will use as a supervisory signal for learning the hashing hyperplanes. In this matrix, if two images share the same class label, then adjacency_matrix[i,j] = 1; otherwise, adjacency_matrix[i,j] = 0. In Python, we can construct this adjacency matrix using the class label vector:


The first step is Graph Regularisation:


(The paper by Fernando Diaz, referenced in the slidedeck, is highly recommended and can be accessed here.)

In the first step, the adjacency matrix is multiplied by the hashcodes of the training dataset images. This operation adjusts the hashcodes so that semantically similar images have more similar hashcodes.

The second step involves Data Space Partitioning:


In the second step, the refined hashcodes are used to update the hyperplanes. This is done by training an SVM for each hash bit, using the bits as targets. GRH starts with the LSH hyperplanes in random_vector as an initial point and then iteratively refines them to make the hashing process more effective. The complete GRH model is implemented below:

n_iter = 2   # Number of iterations of the Generalized Randomized Hashing (GRH) process
alpha = 0.5  # Weighting factor to update the hashcodes based on supervisory information (supervised learning)

# Loop through each iteration of GRH
for i in range(0, n_iter):
    # Step 1: Compute initial binary hash codes based on random hyperplanes
    # Data is projected onto random vectors (hyperplanes) and hashed to binary values (1 or -1)
    bin_indices_bits = (data_train.dot(random_vectors) >= 0).astype(int)  # Binary hash codes (0 or 1)
    bin_indices_bits[bin_indices_bits == 0] = -1  # Convert 0s to -1 to get [-1, 1] binary representation
    # Step 2: Refine hash codes using adjacency matrix (leveraging graph-based relationships)
    bin_indices_bits_refined = np.matmul(adjacency_matrix, bin_indices_bits.astype(float))  # Refine codes using neighborhood structure
    bin_indices_bits_refined = (bin_indices_bits_refined >= 0).astype(int)  # Convert to binary
    bin_indices_bits_refined[bin_indices_bits_refined <= 0] = -1  # Ensure the binary codes are in {-1, 1}
    # Step 3: Smooth hash codes by combining original and refined codes
    bin_indices_bits = (0.25 * bin_indices_bits_refined.astype(float) + 0.75 * bin_indices_bits.astype(float))  # Smooth out refined hash codes with original codes
    bin_indices_bits = (bin_indices_bits >= 0).astype(int)  # Convert back to binary form
    bin_indices_bits[bin_indices_bits <= 0] = -1  # Ensure binary values are in {-1, 1}
    # Step 4: Update hyperplanes based on supervised learning (using SVM)
    grh_hyperplanes = random_vectors.copy()  # Copy the current set of random hyperplanes
    for j in range(0, n_vectors):
        # Check if all binary codes for the j-th vector are the same (either all 1 or all -1)
        if abs(sum(bin_indices_bits[:, j])) == data_train.shape[0]:
            # If all bits are the same, generate a new random hyperplane
            random_vector = np.random.randn(dim, 1)
            grh_hyperplanes[:, j] = random_vector[:, 0]  # Replace the j-th hyperplane with a new random vector
            # Otherwise, fit an SVM classifier to the data using the binary codes as labels
            hyperplane = svclassifier.fit(data_train, bin_indices_bits[:, j]).coef_  # Fit SVM to get the hyperplane
            hyperplane = np.array(hyperplane)  # Convert the hyperplane coefficients to a NumPy array
            grh_hyperplanes[:, j] = hyperplane  # Update the j-th hyperplane with the SVM-trained hyperplane
    # Step 5: Update the random vectors for the next iteration
    random_vectors = grh_hyperplanes.copy()  # Copy the updated hyperplanes for the next iteration of GRH

In the code above, we configure GRH with 2 iterations and an alpha of 0.25. The iterations parameter controls how many times we repeat the two steps of GRH: refining the hashcodes using the adjacency matrix, followed by updating the hyperplanes based on the refined hashcodes. After 2 iterations, the random_vectors matrix contains a set of hyperplanes that have been refined, making them more effective for hashing-based nearest neighbor search. These hyperplanes, influenced by the supervisory information in the training dataset (encoded in the adjacency matrix), can now be used as shown earlier in this tutorial to evaluate their performance through a hash table-based evaluation across different Hamming radii.

Next, we demonstrate how GRH works using a toy image retrieval example. The diagram below shows the nearest neighbor relationships, represented by nodes and edges (with edges connecting semantically similar images). The LSH-generated hashcodes are displayed next to each image.


The diagram below shows how the adjacency matrix is used to refine the hashcodes. For example, the first bit of image C flips to -1, making it more similar to the images above and to its left. Meanwhile, image E has its second bit flipped, aligning more closely with the hashcodes of the images below and to its left.


Next, a hyperplane is learned for the first bit by using each image’s first hash bit as the target. In the toy example below, the hyperplane divides the data space horizontally, assigning a -1 to the first bit of the hashcode for images above the line and a 1 for those below the line.


Evaluation (GRH)

Now we have gained an understanding of how the GRH model works we will evaluate the GRH hashcodes using the same methodology as we did for LSH. We find an improved retrieval effectiveness, particularly at low Hamming radii:

GRH Time

The advantages of GRH on this dataset, using a 16-bit hashcode, are most noticeable in the low Hamming radius range (≤5). For instance, at a Hamming radius of 0, GRH achieves around 0.25 mean precision@10, compared to just 0.1 for LSH, while query times remain roughly the same for both methods (~0.5 seconds). The query time curve for GRH at increasing Hamming radii is shown below. As you can see, while we experience a slight increase in query time at some Hamming radii, the boost in retrieval effectiveness is well worth the trade-off.

GRH Time


In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to use a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to learn the hyperplanes for GRH. One of the key advantages of GRH, beyond its simplicity and effectiveness, is its flexibility—it’s agnostic to the learning algorithm. This means you can easily swap in a deep network to achieve more precise data-space partitioning or opt for a passive aggressive classifier for a lightweight, online-adaptable method, ideal for streaming scenarios. Additionally, we explored a single hashtable implementation of LSH and GRH, and boosted the retrieval of relevant items by using multiple buckets through a multi-probing mechanism. Other LSH implementations take a different approach, utilizing multiple independent hashtables rather than probing buckets within the same one to increase the number of relevant results.

Contact & Feedback

Got thoughts on this tutorial? You can reach out to the author, Sean Moran, anytime. Want to dive into the code? Check it out here, and don’t forget to grab the dependencies from the requirements.txt

Copyright © Sean Moran 2024. All opinions are my own.