In this paper we present an improved version of HF-hash, viz., GB-hash : Hash Functions Using Groebner Basis. In case of HF-hash, the compression function consists of 32 polynomials with 64 variables which were taken from the first 32 polynomials of hidden field equations challenge-1 by forcing last 16 variables as 0. In GB-hash we have designed the compression function in such way that these 32 polynomials with 64 variables form a minimal Groebner basis of the ideal generated by them with respect to graded lexicographical (grlex) ordering as well as with respect to graded reverse lexicographical (grevlex) ordering. In this paper we will prove that GB-hash is more secure than HF-hash as well as more secure than SHA-256. We have also compared the efficiency of our GB-hash with SHA-256 and HF-hash.