Previous work on tabulation hashing by Patrascu and Thorup from STOC’11 on simple tabulation and from SODA’13 on twisted tabulation offered Chernoff-style concentration bounds on hash based sums, e.g., the number of balls/keys hashing to a given bin, but under some quite severe restrictions on the expected values of these sums. The basic idea in tabulation hashing is to view a key as consisting of \(c=O(1)\) characters, e.g., a 64-bit key as \(c=8\) characters of 8-bits. The character domain \(\Sigma\) should be small enough that character tables of size \(|\Sigma|\) fit in fast cache. The schemes then use \(O(1)\) tables of this size, so the space of tabulation hashing is \(O(|\Sigma|)\). However, the concentration bounds by Patrascu and Thorup only apply if the expected sums are \(\ll |\Sigma|\). To see the problem, consider the very simple case where we use tabulation hashing to throw \(n\) balls into \(m\) bins and want to analyse the number of balls in a given bin. With their concentration bounds, we are fine if \(n=m\), for then the expected value is \(1\). However, if \(m=2\), as when tossing \(n\) unbiased coins, the expected value \(n/2\) is \(\gg |\Sigma|\) for large data sets, e.g., data sets that do not fit in fast cache. To handle expectations that go beyond the limits of our small space, we need a much more advanced analysis of simple tabulation, plus a new tabulation technique that we call tabulation-permutation hashing which is at most twice as slow as simple tabulation. No other hashing scheme of comparable speed offers similar Chernoff-style concentration bounds.